Specific Conditions

Dont forget that Crossroads Care offer support to all carers regardless of the specific condition.

Crossroads Care, www.crossroadsiom.org Tel: 673103, email: kharris@crossroadsiom.org

Drug or Alcohol Addiction


Tel: 663676 for Alcoholics Anonymous – There are seven meetings a week around the island and each month there is an open meeting for anyone, including family and friends who may know someone with a problem with alcohol, to attend to find out more about the organisation.

Motiv8 (formerly the Isle of Man Alcohol Advisory Service) offers support for drug, alcohol and gambling addiction to the addict and their families. The charity can be contacted on Tel: 627656 or mobile: 426400, or view http://www.motiv8.im/

SMART Recovery uses tools based on scientifically tested methods for addiction recovery www.smartrecovery.org.uk

N.A. Narcotics Anonymous Tel:409536 email: mybrookexxx@yahoo.co.uk

Visual Impairment

Tel: 674727 for sight Matters, formerly known as Manx Blind Welfare Society

Sight Matters looks after the interests of over 500 people with serious sight loss on the Island. A friendly team along with volunteers, provide a comprehensive range of services and support including social events. If you or someone you know is facing difficulties due to serious sight loss, then call tel: 674727. Also housed within their purpose built headquarters, Corrin Court, Heywood Avenue, Onchan, are the Royal National Institute for the Blind rehabilitation services and resource centre. Tel: 677626. Contact their Eye Care Liaison Officer for emotional support at the point of diagnosis, refer you to other services you may benefit from, provide practical information and advice, advise on your rights and any benefits you may be entitled to and recommend new products to help you to live independently. Tel: 650420

For children in full-time education with sight problems there is a Visual Impairment Support Service provided by the Department of Education and Children. Tel: 686895 for more information.

If you wish to know more about macular degeneration, check out the website for the local branch at www.macular.im

Acoustic Shooting, a sport suitable for the visually impaired, takes place on a regular basis. For more information tel:674727.

The children in school with visual impairments are supported by the Isle of Man Department of Education and Children’s Visual Impairment Support Service, staffed by teachers who also hold additional qualifications in teaching visually impaired students. Tel: 686895

Royal National Institute of Blind People Tel:677626 email: julie.lee@mib.org.uk

Hearing Impairment

The Manx Deaf Society looks after the interest of deaf people. Tel: 202875 or email Lucy Buxton, Communication and Support Manager at manxdeafsociety.org.im for more information.

Hearing aids can be available through the Audiology clinic after a hearing test that indicated that a hearing aid is needed. Tel: 650407 for general enquiries or for a self-referral form look at https://www.gov.im/categories/health-and-wellbeing/hospitals-and-emergency-treatment/nobles-hospital/audiology-hearing-and-balance/adult-hearing-aid-service/

The audiology clinic has set up a self-referral scheme for people aged 50 or over which links in with the hearing aid clinic.

Private hearing aid provision:

Hidden Hearing, Onchan, tel: 617683

Island Hearing, Port Erin, tel: 830722

Specsavers (Hearing Centres), Douglas, tel: 689500

The Villa Marina complex is pleased to be able to offer ListenTALK systems for their hard-of-hearing customers, as well as the induction loop system. To find out more visit www.listentech.com/listentalk or ring 600555.

Speech Impairment

Private Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Ealish Greggor tel:351921  email:greggorSLT@outlook.com

Mental health

For all


Providing 24/7 phone support to all. If you are having a difficult time, or you know somebody else who might be.

Phone- 116 123

Website- Isle of Man Samaritans

Isle Listen

A charitable initiative providing mental health support in schools, and one-to-one therapeutic support for young people up to the age of 25 on the Isle of Man.

Phone- 01624 679118

Website- About us – IsleListen

Suicide prevention

Government website page discussing support, and the suicide prevention strategy

Website- Isle of Man Government – Suicide Prevention

Strategy- public-health-suicide-prevention-strategy-a4-290323.pdf (gov.im)

Manx Pacts – not-for-profit support group for those struggling with their mental health. You are not alone. Meet up once a week. Tel: 293112, email: enquiries@manxpacts.net,  www.manxpact.com

Qwell- online mental health wellbeing support

Free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK

Website- Home – Qwell


Relationship counselling, family counselling, children’s counselling. Friendly and informal workshops.

Phone- 01624 623902

E-mail- Relate@mcb.net

Website- Find your Centre | Relate

Manx Minds

Promoting positive mental health for all. Mental health first aid training, plus excellent links pages to other services

Website- Health Isle of Man Manx Minds

Useful links- Useful Links | Manx Minds

Ed Space

A new charity, offers Ed’s Man Club at 7pm every Thursday at the Methodist Church on Loch Promenade in Douglas, a space where men can talk, share and support each other in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental gathering. No professionals are involved in the charity. The group hopes to also provide a women’s group very soon (13.02.2025). Find Ed Space at  www.edspace.im and their facebook page.


Crisis response Isle of Man

The CRHTT provide an Island wide crisis response service for people who are experiencing significant deterioration in their mental health and/or an increase in their psychological distress which requires an urgent response to facilitate a resolution of crisis.

Phone01624 642860

ContactContact | Manx Minds

Website- Isle of Man Government – Crisis Response and Home Treatment Team

Mental health and the Law

Information regarding the current Manx laws and legislation

Resource page- Mental health and the law on the Isle of Man (quinnlegal.im)

Minds Matter

Providing vital specialist psychological support to people of all ages and their families with long-term conditions. They do so through the provision of a range of evidence-based psychological therapies including cognitive therapies and group work.

Phone- 01624 679118

E-mail- info@mindsmatter.org.im

Website- Home – Minds Matter

Children and young people

Kooth – E-Counselling service for the Isle of Man

Kooth is a free online E-Counselling service for children aged 11 to 17 years which has been on offer to local residents since June 2019.

Managed in the UK by Xenzone this service offers mental health services platforms for children and young people who are experiencing low-level anxiety, stress or depression.

Website- Kooth (for children aged 11 to 17 years)


CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. They provide mental health assessment and treatment for children, young people (aged 0-18) and their families.

As CAMHS is a specialist service, children and young people need to be referred by another professional, for example, a Doctor, Health Visitor, School Nurse, Teacher or Social Worker.

They’re not a hospital and they don’t have beds, but they do have many different specialists who are experts in children’s and young people’s emotional and mental health.

For more information about CAMHS, visit the CAMHS webpages:

Young Minds

The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.

They want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

Find out more about who they are, the work they’re doing and what they’re trying to achieve.

Contact- How To Contact YoungMinds | YoungMinds

Website- About YoungMinds | UK Mental Health Charity | YoungMinds

Therapeutic support and outreach services

Specialist support outreach and community services ran by St Christophers in conjunction with government

Phone- 01624 660292

E-mail- info@stchris.org.im

Website- Therapeutic & Educational Outreach Services | St Christopher’s

Bridge the Gap

Improving support and facilities for teenagers and young adults with ongoing health needs

Phone- 07624 566957

Email- contact@btg.im

Website- Mental Health – Bridge the Gap

Older persons

Government older persons mental health service

Website highlighting what services are on offer, and how to make a referral

Phone- 01624 642879

Website-Isle of Man Government – Older Persons Mental Health Service and Memory Clinic

Referral information- Isle of Man Government – Referral information

Men in Sheds

Supporting older people through activities, developing skills and keeping good company within the local community whilst tacking social isolation and loneliness

Phone- 01624 616571

Website- Men In Sheds — Isle of Man Live at Home

Southern Befrienders

Southern Befrienders provides older people with support in two ways; companionship by one-to-one befrienders who visit people in their own home, and in groups at our weekly social events. People can choose to be befriended or attended our social events or do both, often accompanied by their volunteer befriender.

Phone-01624 833025

Website- Southern Befrienders – An inclusive community enriched by relationships across all generations

Arthritis and Auto-immune-related conditions

Arthritis Care Ellan Vannin Tel: 497767 email: arthritiscareev@hotmail.com

Arthritis Care Isle of Man – Pillow Loan Scheme

In 2018 Arthritis Care started a loan scheme for pillows that allows people to ‘try out’ a pillow to see if it suits them. With quite a few types to try it’s a good way of testing a pillow out for a week without the expense of buying and trying. A deposit scheme is in place and if you buy a pillow from Just Care – 5% of the profit from the purchase goes to the charity. Find out more at email shop@justcareproducts.co.uk or   tel:642645

Without Wings IOM provide help to autoimmune arthritis sufferers. See www.withoutwings.co.uk

ME Support IOM offers support and advice to those touched by Me/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Tel: 670435 or see www.mesupportiom.org or email: mesupportiom@manx.net


ACTION4AUTISM IOM email: michelletaylor@manx.net

Autism in Mann Tel: 816333 email: autisminmann@manx.net

Autism Initiatives Isle of Man Tel: 814801 email: jo.jordan@autisminitiatives.org, www.autisminitiatives.org

At times The Sound Learning Centre visit the island. They can be contacted on tel:02088821060 or pauline@thesoundlearningcentre.co.uk. See https://www.thesoundlearningcentre.co.uk/ to find out more.


Friends of the Manx Diabetic Centre, www.diabetes.org.im Tel:822936, email: secretary@diabetes.org.im

Diabetes Isle of Man www.diabetesisleofman.com  Tel:622325 email: hello@diabetesisleofman.com

Older Persons

AGE CONCERN ISLE OF MAN Tel:631740 19 Drinkwater Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1AT. They offer information and advice and hold computer lessons for those over 50 years at a selection of venues across the island. In Ramsey’s Parliament Street venue they now offer a range of classes and a drop in centre for a cuppa and a chat. View www.ageconcern.im

IOM Live at Home Schemes Laxey and Lonan Tel: 625157, North Douglas Tel: 627778, Northern Tel: 307760 or Tel: 244256, Onchan Tel: 625157, South Douglas Tel: 625157, Western Tel: 843012. For the south, Southern Befrienders Limited provides a befriending service for lonely, elderly people in the southern communities. Tel:833025 email: southernbefrienders@manx.net

Manx Blind Welfare Society Tel:674727 email: enquiries@mbws.org.im

Royal National Institute of Blind People Tel:677626 email: julie.lee@mib.org.uk

Manx Deaf Society Tel:202875 email: iomdeafsociety@gmail.com

Alzheimers Society, Isle of Man Branch Tel:613181, or Isle of Man helpline tel:621399 (open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday), or email:IsleofMan@alzheimers.org.uk

Lloyds Pharmacies are now stocking equipment designed specially for Alzheimers sufferers.

Friends of the Manx Diabetic Centre, www.diabetes.org.im Tel:822936, email: secretary@diabetes.org.im

Diabetes Isle of Man www.diabetesisleofman.com  Tel:622325 email:hello@diabetesisleofman.com

The Silver Line, helpline for older people offering friendship, advice and support Tel: 0800 3288 888

Mobility walking aids are available through the Physiotherapy Service.This service can be accessed via your GP, other health professionals or you can fill in a self-referral form. For general enquiries ring Tel: 642158.

The Independent Living Centre, Level 1, Community Health Centre, Ballakermeen Road, Douglas, IM1 4BR provides advice and suppliers details on aids and equipment from the NHS and private businesses. Open Wednesdays 10am-2.30pm. For appointments at other times tel: 642561.

The Continence Advisor advises on the most suitable approach to a continence issue. Supplies are delivered to the home. Tel: 693551 for more information.

Heart and Lungs

BreatheEasy, British Lung Foundation Support Group meet once a month. Manx contact is Viv Osland on Tel:855008

British Heart Foundation Isle of Man Tel:896107

Manx Heart Support Group Tel:611273

Manx Asthma Association Tel:852577

Learning Disabilities

Parents and carers

Manx Mencap

Working to improve opportunities for the Manx learning disabled community

Phone- 01624 677289

E-mail- mencap@manx.net

Website- Manx Mencap | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook

Autism in Mann

A parent support group run by families affected by autism. Looking at ways to support young people and families affected by autistic spectrum disorder

Contact- Contact Us – Autism in Mann

Phone- 07624 480167

E-mail- autisminmann@manx.net

Website- Autism in Mann – Isle of Man autism parent support group

Facebook- Autism in Mann | Facebook

ACE parents group

A group for parents and carers of children of all ages with additional learning and/or support needs to meet and chat. Meeting on the mornings of the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at Jurby Community Centre

Phone-01624 818015

Email- hello@jmc.im

Facebook- Jurby and Northern Community Initiatives | Facebook

Parents of Autism IOM Facebook page

A inclusive group of parents providing peer advice, support and guidance

Parents of Autism Isle of Man | Facebook

Adults with disabilities

Adults with disabilities social work team

Providing support help and advice to adults with learning and physical disabilities

Phone- 01624 686179

E-mail- via website contact page below

Website- Isle of Man Government – Adult Social Care


Isle of Man Government Adult Learning Disability Service

Adult Learning Disability Services available to support adults with a learning disability.  Services are based on the following core values:

  • Rights
  • Independence
  • Choice/Control
  • Inclusion

Provision includes:

  • Day Services
  • Supported Employment
  • Community Based Activities
  • Community homes providing round the clock support in a residential setting
  • Residential Respite
  • Supported Living Services

Phone- 01624 686179


Website- Isle of Man Government – Day Services for adults with learning disabilities

External services for older people and adults with learning disabilities

Signposted information on external services provided on government website

Isle of Man Government – External Services for older people and adults with Learning Disabilities

Residential services for adults with disabilities

Government run residential homes and an overnight short breaks facility

Phone- 01624 618520

Website- Isle of Man Government – Residential Services

Children and young people with disabilities

Disabled children’s social work team

Supporting children with disabilities and their families. To make a referral-

Phone- 01624 686179

Email- via website contact page below

Website- Isle of Man Government – Children with disabilities


Pre-school Assessment Centre

The primary aim of the Pre-School Assessment Centre is the early identification, assessment, treatment and placement of children with learning and/or behavioural difficulties.

Phone- 01624 629943

Information- Isle of Man Pre-School Assessment Centre (autism.org.uk)


Children’s therapy service

Working with children, families, carers, and education professionals in order to help develop children’s physical, functional and communication skills. Also working with children to aid recovery and rehabilitation from illness or injury.

Phone- 01624 642563

Website- Isle of Man Government – Children’s Therapy Service


Children’s Centre

Providing vital services for children, young people and families, turning difficult life experiences into brighter futures.

Doing this by creating a safe, compassionate and therapeutic environment. The  team is expert in helping children, teens and families build new foundations to re-frame difficult experiences to enable them to grow and develop for a brighter future.

Phone-01624 800000

Email- info@thechildrenscentre.org.im

Website- The Children’s Centre (thechildrenscentre.org.im)


Jenny Cawte- autism and social communication liaison

Raising awareness on autism and social communication and supporting children and families across the Isle

Contact- Contact Us – Autism in Mann

Website-Autism Liaison – Autism in Mann

Employment and benefits support

Disability employment services

The Disability Employment Service (DES) is provided by the treasury to assist individuals with disabilities to gain employment which may be paid or unpaid. DES also assists employers by providing guidance, assistance and equipment where appropriate.

Phone- 01624 687014

Email- Isle of Man Government – Contact us

Website- Isle of Man Government – Disability Employment Services

Disability benefits

Advice support and guidance on claiming benefits

Phone- 01624 685656

Email- Isle of Man Government – Contact us

Isle of Man Government – Disability Living Allowance


Hospice Isle of Man

Providing a broad range of care and support to children and adults with varying health conditions

Phone- 01624 647400

Email- Contact Us – Hospice Isle of Man

Website- Home – Hospice Isle of Man


Autism strategy Isle of Man

Information on the currently developing National Autism Strategy

Website- Isle of Man Government – National Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) Strategy

Isle of Man government strategic plan for adults with learning disabilities 2020-2025

Information on the current strategic plan-

strategic-plan-for-adults-with-a-learning-disability.pdf (gov.im)

Sports and Leisure

Phab Youth Club

An inclusive social youth club run by the DESC youth service

Phone 01624 686057

Email- phabyouthclubiom@gmail.com

Facebook- Phab Club, Isle of Man | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook


Riding for the disabled

Riding for the Disabled Association is an independent charity that is a Member Group of Riding for the Disabled Association.

The Group operates in term time on Tuesdays and Friday evenings at the Guilcagh Stables, Andreas. The team consists of Qualified Coaches and trained helpers, all of whom are volunteers.

Phone- 07624 315739

Email- info@rda-iom.co.uk

Website- RDA Isle of Man (rda-iom.co.uk)

Sailing for the disabled

Founded in 1984, offering adults and children with disabilities the opportunity of sailing.

Phone- 07624 483865

Email- secretary@sftd-iom.com

Website- SFTD (sftd-iom.com)


Special Olympics Isle of Man

Sporting organisation open to people with learning and physical disabilities. Weekly training sessions, social activities and fund-raising opportunities

E-mail- specialolympicsiom@manx.net

Facebook- Special Olympics Isle of Man | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook


Manx Gateway club

A welcoming and fun social club for people with learning and physical disabilities aged 16 plus meet

Phone- 07624 402989

E-mail- annabelcorlett@gmail.com

Facebook- Manx Gateway Club | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook

Physical Disabilities

Epilepsy Action provide a coffee and chat group based at the Manx Legion Club, Market Hill, Douglas IM1 2BQ. These are held on the third Monday of the month between 6-7.30pm. Tel: 314310 or 823065

epsaiom – Epilepsy and Psychogenic Seizure Association Isle of Man offer support and information at www.epsaiom.org

Familial Spastic Paraplegia Support Group Tel: 664284

Huntington’s Disease – The Neurology Nurse Specialist provides a specialist nursing service to those with progressive neurological conditions including Huntington’s Disease. Tel: 650421 email: heidi.morris@gov.im

Manx Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Tel:861715

Motor Neurone Disease Association Isle of Man Tel:801355 email: mndassociation@manx.net

Multiple Sclerosis Society IOM Branch Tel:452207 for the MS Support Officer email: mssocietyiom@manx.net

Isle of Man Cripples Guild. All referrals are by Medical Practitioners.

Coeliac Group Isle of Man Tel: 845730, www.coeliac.org.uk

Joey Dunlop Foundation – Provides NAS scheme M3i holiday accommodation Tel:482905, email: kevinquirk@hotmail.com

Care in Mann Tel: 628500

Kevin Gray Memorial Charity Limited provides and runs the hyperbaric chamber. Tel:676622

Leonard Cheshire Disability Isle of Man provides innovative services that give disabled people the opportunity to love life their way. Tel:817071

Hospice Isle of Man, www.hospice.org.im Tel: 647400, email: admin@hospice.org.im

Scope (UK charity) provides an invaluable online community for parents of disabled children to swap tips and advice. View www.scope.org.uk

Osteoporosis Society Isle of Man Branch Tel:676694

Parkinsons Disease Society (Isle of Man)Tel:309409, email:info@parkinsons.im

Drop in days are the 4th Tuesday of the month in either the Palace Hotel or the Mount Murray Golf Club.

Phab Youth Club provides an opportunity for those with and without physical disabilities to socialise on equal terms. Tel: 619803 email: v.kennaugh@doe.gov.im

Pisces Swimming Club for the Disabled Tel:825616

Riding for the Disabled Association Tel: 851997 email: mcnamaraiom@manx.net

Sailing for the Disabled: membership@sftd-iom.comProvides sailing opportunities for people with a wide range of disabilities on a modern large cruising yacht which has special adaptions to assist those less mobile.

Membership is available to those with disabilities and also to helpers without. Also provides sailing to organisations and groups who assist people with disabilities.

www.sftd-iom.com Tel. 471666 Email membership@sftd-iom.com

Stroke Association, Isle of Man.Tel: 616885 email: michelleferrer@stroke.org.uk

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association Forces Help Tel:824888 email: isle.man@ssafa.org.uk

Veterans Welfare Service deal with all Pensions relating to service in the Armed Forces and any welfare needs (Tel: 687047). The Veterans UK helpline number is tel:0808 1914218 and they have a selection of relevant leaflets. See https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/veterans-uk

The Childrens Centre operates The Community Farm provides a nurturing and educational environment, helping people grow whilst reconnecting with the countryside. The Farm is open to the Islands community and offers an increasing range of services to meet the communities need. Currently, children from primary schools follow a programme that links to and enriches the curriculum and they learn how to grow their own produce. Young people from secondary schools work in small groups to improve social and communication skills whilst learning and developing new skills and knowledge.

The Community Farm received a 120,000 donation from Manx Mencap to help develop activities for people with learning disabilities. The Farm is now wheelchair friendly with new paths recently installed. For more information regarding The Community Farm, please visit The Childrens Centre website on: www.thechildrenscentre.org.im/what-we-do/community-farm Tel:676076 email: info@thechildrenscentre.org.im

Mobility walking aids are available through the Physiotherapy Service. This service can be accessed via your GP, other health professionals or you can fill in a self-referral form. For general enquiries ring Tel: 642158.

The Independent Living Centre, Level 1, Community Health Centre, Ballakermeen Road, Douglas, IM1 4BR provides advice and suppliers details on aids and equipment from the NHS and private businesses. Open Wednesdays 10am-2.30pm. For appointments at other times tel: 642561.

The Continence Advisor advises on the most suitable approach to a continence issue. Supplies are delivered to the home. Tel: 693551 for more information.


Manx Stroke Foundation, West Lodge, main Road, Crosby. IM4 4BH. Tel: 824361. View www.manxstrokefoundation.org ,email: info@manxstrokefoundation.org

For Brushstroke art sessions operated by the Manx Stroke Foundation contact tel: 616885. They also offer communication support socials for those with communication difficulties following stroke,and social get-togethers for for all stroke sufferers and their carers

Stroke Association information, advice and support service (UK). Tel: 0303 3033100 www.stroke.org.uk

Stroke UK (otherwise known as Stroke Association) have a contract to provide Stroke Recovery Service Coordinator cover until 2022 on the Isle of Man to ensure that all care needed is in place to make an optimum recovery from stroke.

Stroke Association, Isle of Man branch –  Tel: 616885 email: michelleferrer@stroke.org.uk

The Independent Living Centre, Level 1, Community Health Centre, Ballakermeen Road, Douglas, IM1 4BR provides advice and suppliers details on aids and equipment from the NHS and private businesses. Open Wednesdays 10am-2.30pm. For appointments at other times tel: 642561.

Brain tumours

Naseems Manx Brain Tumour Charity – raises awareness of the signs and symptoms of brain tumours and raises funds to help those affected and also towards research into brain tumours. See www.naseemsmanxbraintumourcharity.co.uk  email naseemscharity@manx.net or write to 3 Orry Street, Douglas, IM1 1BW